বিগত বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষায় আসা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Preposition (Practice)

* He was very tactful....it. ⇨ about [Tactful ⇨ কৌশলী]
* Her talk....language and communication was too technical for us to understand. ⇨ about
* What are you talking....? ⇨ about
* We should not get upset....things that are beyond our control. ⇨ about
* The boy wanders....in the streets. ⇨ about
* I will write....your phone number. ⇨ about

* The girls takes....her mother.⇨ after
* Ushoshi takes....her mother.⇨ after
* The son looks.... his parents.⇨ after
* The boy looks....his father.⇨ after
* Do not hanker....money.⇨ after

* You should guard....such mistakes.⇨ against
* I warned him....the danger. ⇨ against

* You should lay....enough money for your old age.⇨ aside [lay ⇨ জমা করে রাখা]

* She is angry....my conduct.⇨ at
* The dogs barks...steangers.⇨ at
* You are.... liberty to accept or reject the offer.⇨ at
* I felt shame....his conduct. ⇨ at
* If people can't hear you, do you shout....them? ⇨ at
* He stared....me. ⇨ at
* We are surprised....his failure. ⇨ at

* The team got carried.... when they won championship.⇨ away

* The teacher drew an analogy....heart and pump.⇨ between
* It is important to distinguish....right and wrong. ⇨ between

* It is far....my reach.⇨ beyond

* He died....accident.⇨ by
* We went to rajshahi....train.⇨ by
* They went to Barishal....air.⇨ by
*:Happiness and sorrow come....turns.⇨ by
* The Taj Mahal is surrounded....a beautiful garden. ⇨ by
* The passerby is tired....the long walk. ⇨ by

* I have no aptitude....music.⇨ for
* You should apologize.....what he has done.⇨ for
* I have a distaste....publicity. ⇨ for
* He is incomplete...the work.⇨ for
* Nothing would satisfy his greed....power.⇨ for
* You are jealous....my success. ⇨ for ( অত্যন্ত আগ্রহী)
* Everybody longs....happiness.⇨for
* He is looking....a job.⇨ for
* They prayed....my ill father.⇨ for
* Manufacturers often sacrifice quality....a larger profit margin. ⇨ for
* The word exam is short....examination.⇨ for
* You should feel sorry....what you done.⇨ for
* The peasants struggled....better conditions. ⇨ for
* His sympathy...the poor is praiseworthy. ⇨ for
* Anis has a talent....making people laugh. ⇨ for
* He has a taste....reading. ⇨ for
* Thanks.....his timely rescue, the child escaped death. ⇨ for
* If you study hard, you will have no trouble....the admission test. ⇨ for
* Having missed the bus, Shalia waited....the next one. ⇨ for
* The nurse waited....the patient. ⇨ on
* They are working.....a lasting peace. ⇨, for
* He voted....me. ⇨ for
* I vouch....his honesty. ⇨ for
* Begum Rokeya had a great zeal....education. ⇨ for
* She has no zest....music. ⇨ for

* You should abstain....smoking.⇨ from
* The train to Rajshahi departed....the platform. ⇨ from
* This is a plain departure....the established norm. ⇨ from
* The students became detached....library work. ⇨ from
* I cannot deviate....truth. ⇨ from
* Any deviation....the code of conduct will be punished. ⇨ from
* The man died....snakebite.⇨ from
* Jamal is not different....Kamal. ⇨ from
* We must discourage people....throwing trash in public places. ⇨ from
* He could not dissociate himself....what he said earlier. ⇨ from
* I prevented him....behaving badly with elders.⇨ from
* She prevented her son....going there.⇨from
* She is suffering...fever.⇨ from

* Fish abound....own pond. ⇨ in
* I have confidence....her ability.⇨ in
* Happiness consists.....contentment.⇨ in [Contentment ⇨ তৃপ্তি]
* He deals....  rice. ⇨ in
* The young woman was dressed....rare silk. ⇨ in
* Vice must end....misery. ⇨ in
* He is engaged....writing books. ⇨ in
* She lost faith....his promise.⇨ in
* Love of flower is inherent....man.⇨ in
* Ushashi persisted....my doing the work.⇨ in
* She takes pride....her work.⇨ in
* Bangladesh is rich....agriculture.⇨ in
* My brother specializes....Physics. ⇨ in
* He stared....my face. ⇨ in
* He succeeded....passing the examination. ⇨ in
* He was wanting....money. ⇨ in (তার টাকার অভাব ছিল)

* ....the box, he saw a snake.⇨ Inside 

* Translate the passage....Bangla.⇨ into
* In some countries much of the natural environment has been transformed....farmland with asubsequent loss of specific richness. ⇨ into
* I need someone to help me to translate this webpage....Japanese. ⇨ into

* Beware....pickpockets.⇨ of [Pickpockets ⇨ পকেটমার]
* None should boast...riches.⇨of
* Do not boast.... your aristocracy.⇨ of
* We should not boast....our riches.⇨ of
* The man was charged....theft.⇨ of
* My friend complained....severe headache.⇨ of/about
* He comes....a good family.⇨ of
* He comes....rich family.⇨ of
*:The boys comes....a respectable family.⇨ of
* Water is composed....hydrogen and oxygen.⇨ of
* The man died....dengue.⇨ of
* Selfie culture is a demonstration....modern superficiality. ⇨ of
* He despaired....success. ⇨, of [Despair ⇨ হতাশা, নিরাশ]
* Kanak devoid...common sense.⇨ of
* He is devoid....common sense.⇨of
* Scientists announced this week the discovery....a new organism. ⇨ of
* An honest man has no distrust....anyone. ⇨ of
* She dreams....running her own business. ⇨ of
* Our principal is easy....approach. ⇨ of
* The young man was enamored....this beguiling woman. ⇨ of [Enamor ⇨ মোহিত করা, আকর্ষণ করা, মুগ্ধ করা]
* Life is full...coincidence.⇨ of [Coincidence ⇨ সান্নিপাত]
* I am not jealous....his success.⇨ of
* She is always mindful....her responsibilities.⇨ of
* I reminded him....his promise.⇨ of
* I am really sick....this kind of behaviour. ⇨ of
* He is sure....success.⇨ of
* She is sure....success.⇨ of
* I suspected him....treachery. ⇨ of
* She gaily talked....art literature. ⇨ of [Gaily ⇨ ফুর্টিতে]
* He is fourteen years old. He can take care....himself. ⇨ of
* Can you think....a better solution? ⇨ of
* I am tired.....answering the question. ⇨ of
* We should be tolerant....opposition. ⇨ of
* He was unsure....himself. ⇨ of
* The child was victim....virus. ⇨ of

* The play will take...at 7 p.m.⇨ off
* The plane took...on time.⇨ off
* ... Your shoes when you enter a mosque.⇨  Put off

Let me congratulation....your success.⇨ on
I congratulation them...their winning the cup.⇨ on
There are five members....the committee.⇨ on
Armed thieves descended....the harmless travellers. ⇨ on  [ Descend ⇨ আক্রমণ করা]
The task was imposed....him.⇨ on
The duty was imposed....him.⇨ on
You will find the picture....page 65.⇨ on
At last God took pity....him. ⇨ on
You can certainly rely....him.⇨ on
We cannot rely....them⇨ on
After having tea, he settled himself....his arm chair. ⇨ on
Fate smiled....him in all his ventures. ⇨ on
We sprinkle parsely....the tomatoes. ⇨ on
He touched....this point. ⇨ on/upon
If these youths trespass.....my land again I shall be ready for them with a big stick. ⇨ on [Trespass ⇨ অনধিকার প্রবেশ করা]
The nurse waited....the patient. ⇨ on

They failed to get.....the problem.⇨ over
The boy was run....by a bus.⇨ over
A happy smile spread....her face. ⇨ over
He will soon tide....the difficulty. ⇨ over
He promised to turn....a new leaf.⇨ over

He likes to read in his spare time but mainly he likes to skim....newspapers. ⇨ through

A garden adds....the beauty of a house.⇨ to
My home is adjacent....yours.⇨ to
This house belongs....me. ⇨ to
Listen carefully....what I say.⇨ to
Find out the clue....this mystery.⇨ to
He is confined....a wheelchair after the accident.⇨ to
Early rising is congenial....health.⇨ to
I had to pay for the damage.... the other car. ⇨ to
It is derogatory....my position. ⇨ to
The excitement is difficult to describe.....the people who were not present. ⇨ to
We should devoted.... God  ⇨ to [devote ⇨ উৎসর্গ করা, একান্তভাবে নিয়োজিত করা]
There is no exception...this rule.⇨ to
He is only heir... his father's property.⇨ to
I am deeply indebted....my teacher.⇨ to
The girl is engaged....my brother. ⇨ to
The Japanese love.....take part in sports. ⇨ to
I have no objection.... your proposal.⇨ to
Your remark is not relevant..... the point.⇨ to
She has retired...bed.⇨ to
This temple is sacred....Lord Vishnu. ⇨ to
He is senior....me by two years.⇨ to
Mita is sensitive....weather changes. ⇨ to
The division of this property was a sequel....the agreement. ⇨ to
Their house is quite similar....ours. ⇨ to
There is no easy solution....this problem. ⇨ to
You should stick......  your principles.⇨ to
He was not arrested because he was not subject....the same restrictions. ⇨ to
The manager of the company is somewhat susceptible....flattery. ⇨ to
To learn spoken English, you have to talk....others in English. ⇨ to
He assigned the task....me.⇨ to
I prefer tea....coffee.⇨ to
His gloomy countenance testifies....his guilty. ⇨ to
His manners are a witness....his rudeness. ⇨ to
The national assembly has voted....adopt the budget. ⇨ to
He is vulnerable....criticism. ⇨ to

The skirt does....at the back. ⇨ up
Look....the word in the dictionary.⇨ up
The loss could not be made...⇨ up
Have you made....your mind what to do?⇨ up
The government has stepped....measures to curb swine flue. ⇨ up
He always wakes....in the morning. ⇨ up

I cannot agree....your proposal.⇨ with
He was angry...me for nothing.⇨ with
I am angry....you.⇨ with
Other sailors were all angry.... the old sailor.⇨ with.
Do not associate..... bad boys.⇨ with
We are blessed.... a beautiful country.⇨ with
He is blessed....a child.⇨ with
The man charged....theft.⇨ with
The man has been charged....theft.⇨ with
He compiled....my request.⇨ with
He failed to cope.... the new environment.⇨ with
He is not able to deal.... the matter successfully.⇨ with
He does not know how to deal....a gentleman. ⇨ with
The matter may be dealt....seriously.⇨ with
He has dealt....the problem nicely. ⇨ with
The master dispensed.....the services of his servant. ⇨ with
Are you displeased....my performance?⇨ with
The boy was endowed.....different talents.⇨ with
The kitchen is infested....cockroaches.⇨ with
It is painful for a mother to part....her son.⇨with
It is not possible for me to put up....this disgrace.⇨ with
I shook hands.....him.⇨ with
The locket of the necklace is studded....costly stones. ⇨ with
Can you supply me....all I need?⇨ with
She sympathized....me. ⇨ with
He played the tune....his flute.⇨ with
I have no pen to write......⇨ with

* He will be back....an hour.⇨ within

* We can't live....water.⇨ without
