Pharmaceutical Abbreviations with Elaborations for Pharmaceutical Job

* AAS ⇨ Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
* SCA ⇨ Specification and Certificate of Analysis
* ACTD ⇨ ASEAN Common Technical Dossier
* ADME ⇨ Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion/Elimination
* ADR ⇨ Adverse Drug Reaction
* AHU ⇨ Air Handling Unit
* AIDS ⇨ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
* AMA ⇨ Anti-Microbial Agent
* AMV ⇨ Analytical Method Validation
* ANDA ⇨ Abbreviated New Drug Application
* AOQ ⇨ Average Outgoing Quality
* AOQL ⇨ Average Outgoing Quality Limit
* APA ⇨ Aseptic Processing Areas
* APE ⇨ Anti-Microbial Preservative Efficacy
* API ⇨ Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
* APIC ⇨ Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Committee
* APR ⇨ Annual Product Review
* APQR ⇨ Annual Product Quality Review
* AQL ⇨ Acceptable Quality Level
* ATR ⇨ Attenuated Total Reference (Attenuated⇨ ক্ষয়প্রাপ্ত)
* AUC ⇨ Area Under The Curve
* BBB ⇨ Blood Brain Barrier
* BCS ⇨ Biopharmaceutical Classification System
* BD ⇨ Bulk Density
* BDNF ⇨ Bangladesh National Formulary
* BET ⇨ Bacterial Endotoxin Test
* BFS ⇨ Blow Fill Seal 
* BMR ⇨ Batch Manufacturing Record
* BMS ⇨ Building Management System
* BMI ⇨ Body Mass Index
* BOD ⇨ Biological Oxygen Demand
* BP ⇨ British Pharmacopoeia/ Blood Pressure
* BPM ⇨ Blister Packaging Machine
* BPR ⇨ Batch Packaging Record
* BSA ⇨ Body Surface Area
* BSTI ⇨ Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institute
* CAPA ⇨ Corrective and Preventive Action
* CBC ⇨ Complete Blood Count
* CCP ⇨ Critical Control Point
* CCU ⇨ Critical Care Unit
* CFU ⇨ Colony Forming Units
* cGMIP ⇨ Current Good Microbiological Practice
* cGMP ⇨ Current Good Manufacturing Practice
* CI ⇨ Change Initiators
* CIP ⇨ Clean in Place/ Clean in Process
* Cmax ⇨ Maximum Concentration
* CMA ⇨ Critical Material Attributes
* CNS ⇨ Central Nervous System
* COA ⇨ Certificate of Analysis
* COD ⇨ Chemical Oxygen Demand
* COPP ⇨ Certificate of Pharmaceutical Products
* CPP ⇨ Critical Process Parameter
* CQA ⇨ Critical Quality Attribute
* CQM ⇨ Critical Quality Management
* CRM ⇨ Customer Relationship Management
* CRS ⇨ Chemical Reference Standards
* CRT ⇨ Cathode Ray Tube
* CTD ⇨ Common Technical Document
* CTDL ⇨ Central Drug Testing Laboratory
* CTM ⇨ Clinical Trial Material
* CV ⇨ Coefficent of Variation/ Cleaning Validation/ Concurrent Validation
* CVS ⇨ Cardiovascular System
* CYP ⇨ Cytochrome P450
* DC ⇨ Direct Compression
* DG ⇨ Dry Granulation
* DGDA ⇨ Directorate General of Drug Administration
* DMF ⇨ Drug Master File
* DNA ⇨ Deoxyribonucleic Acid
* DOE ⇨ Design of Experiment
* DPI ⇨ Dry Powder Inhaler
* DQ ⇨ Design Qualification
* ED ⇨ Effective Dose
* EMEA⇨  European Medicines Evaluation Agency
* EP ⇨ European Pharmacopoeia
* ER ⇨ Endoplasmic Reticulum
* ETP ⇨ Effluent Treatment Plant
* FAT ⇨ Factory Acceptance Test
* FBD ⇨ Fluidized Bed Dryer
* FBG ⇨ Fluidized Bed Granulation
* FDA ⇨ Food and Drug Administration
* FIFO ⇨ First In, First Out
* FP ⇨ French Pharmacopoeia
* FTIR ⇨ Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
* GABA ⇨ Gamma Amino Butyric Acid
* GAMP ⇨ Good Automated Manufacturing Practice
* GAT ⇨ General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
* GC ⇨ Gas Chromatography
* GCLP ⇨ Good Control Laboratory Practice
* GCP ⇨ Good Clinical Practice
* GDP ⇨ Good Distribution Practice
* GEP ⇨ Good Engineering Practice
* GHP ⇨ Good Hygiene Practice
* GIT ⇨ Gastrointestinal Tract
* GLP ⇨ Good Laboratory Practice
* GMIP ⇨ Good Microbiological Practice
* GMP ⇨ Good Manufacturing Practice
* GNI ⇨ Growth National Income
* GP ⇨ German Pharmacopoeia
* GPS ⇨ Global Positioning System
* GQS ⇨ Global Quality Standards
* GRAS ⇨ Generally Recognized as Safe
* GRN ⇨ Goods Received Note
* GRP ⇨ Good Regulatory Practice
* GxP ⇨ Good (Anything...) Practice

* HAART ⇨ Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
* HAP ⇨ Hamster Antibody Production
* HASSASSA Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudication Act
* HAZOP ⇨ Hazard Operability Analysis
* HBV ⇨ Hepatitis B Virus
* HCP ⇨ Host Cell Proteins
* HDPE ⇨™High Density Polyethylene
* HEPA ⇨ High Efficiency Particulate Air
* HGC ⇨ Hard Gelatin Capsule
* HIC ⇨ Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography
* HIMA ⇨ Health Industry Manufacturers Association
* HIV ⇨ Human Immunodeficiency Virus
* HLB ⇨ Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance
* HMI ⇨ Human Machine Interface
* HPLC ⇨ High Performance Liquid Chromatography
* HSE ⇨ Health, Safety and Environment
* HPNSDP ⇨ Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program
* HSMG ⇨ High Shear Mixer Granulation
* HT ⇨ Hybridoma Technology
* HVAC ⇨ Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

* I/O ⇨ Input/Output
* IAEA ⇨ International Atomic Energy Agency
* IBS ⇨ Irritable Bowel Syndrome
* ICDDRB ⇨ International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh
* ICH ⇨ International Conference on Harmonization
* ICS ⇨ Integrated Circuit Devices
* ICU ⇨ Intensive Care Unit
* IEC ⇨ Ion Exchange Liquid Chromatography
* IEEE ⇨ Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
* IES ⇨ Institute of Environmental Sciences
* IFPMA ⇨ International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations
* IBD ⇨ International Business Development
* IND ⇨ Investigation New Drug
* INN ⇨ International  Nonproprietary Name
* IOQ ⇨ Installation and Operation Qualification
* IP ⇨ Indicative Price
* IPA ⇨ Isopropyl Alcohol
* IPC ⇨ In-Process Control
* IPP ⇨ Independent Process Parameters
* IPQC ⇨ In-process Quality Control
* IPT ⇨ International Press Tooling
* IQ ⇨ Installation Qualification
* IQP ⇨ Installation Qualification Plan
* IR ⇨ Infra Red
* IRS ⇨ Infrared Spectroscopy
* ISO ⇨ International Organization for Standardization
* ISPE ⇨ International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineers
* IT ⇨ Information Technology
* IU ⇨ International Units
* IUD ⇨ Intrauterine Device
* IUPAC ⇨ International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

* JIT ⇨ Just in Time
* JP ⇨ Japanese Pharmacopoeia

* KFT ⇨ Karl Fisher Titration

* LAF ⇨ Laminar air Flow
* LAL ⇨ Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate
* LAN ⇨ Local Area Network
* LC ⇨ Liquid Chromatography/ Line Clearance
* LCL ⇨ Lower Control Limit
* LD ⇨ Lethal Dose
* LDPE ⇨ Low Density Polyethylene
* LIF ⇨ Light Induced Fluorescence
* LIFO ⇨ Last in First Out
*LIMS ⇨ Laboratory Information Management System
*LLOQ ⇨ Lower Limit of Qualification
* LOD ⇨ Loss on Drying
* LPS ⇨ Lipopolysaccharides
* LSL ⇨ Lower Specification Limit
*LTSF ⇨ Low Temperature Steam and Formaldehyde
* LVP ⇨ Large Volume Parenteral

* MAA ⇨ Marketing Authorisation Practice
* MAbs ⇨ Monoclonal Antibodies
* MAC ⇨ Maximum Allowable Contaminant
* MACO ⇨ Maximum Allowable Carryover
* MAD ⇨ Mutual Acceptance of Data
* MAOI ⇨ Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
* MAP ⇨ Mouse Antibody Production
* MAS ⇨ Microbiological Air Sampler
* MC ⇨ Moister Content
* MCA ⇨ Medicine Control Agency
* MCB ⇨ Master Cell Bank
* MCC ⇨ Medicine Control Council, South Africa
* MDI ⇨ Metered Dose Inhaler
* MEF ⇨ Murine Embryonic Fibroblasts
* MES ⇨ Manufacturing Execution System
* MHRA ⇨ Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, UK
* MIC ⇨ Minimum Inhibitory Concentration
* MRI ⇨ Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* MRP ⇨ Material Requirement Planning/ Maximum Retail Price
* MSDS ⇨ Material Safety Data Sheet
* MVP ⇨ Master Validation Plan

* NCD ⇨ Non-Communicable Disease
* NCE ⇨ New Chemical Entity
* NCL ⇨ National Control Laboratory
* NDA ⇨ New Drug Application
* NDC ⇨ National Drug Code
* NF ⇨ National Formulatory
* NIST ⇨ National Institute of Standards and Technology
* NMR ⇨ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
* NPD ⇨ New Product Development
* NSAIDs ⇨ Non-Steroidal anti inflammatory Drugs

* OOS ⇨ Out of Specification
* OOT ⇨ Out of Trend
* OQ ⇨ Operational Qualificationp
* OQP ⇨ Operational Qualification Plan

* PABA ⇨ Para Aminobenzoic Scid
* PAGE ⇨ Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
* PAI ⇨ Preapproval Inspection
* PAT ⇨ Process Analytical Technology
* PC ⇨ Paper Chromatography
* PCA ⇨ Principal Components Analysis
* PCR ⇨ Polymeric Chain Reaction
* PDA ⇨ Parenteral Drug Administration
* PDMA ⇨ Prescription Drug Marketing Act
* PEL ⇨ Permissible Exposure Limits
* PFD ⇨ Process Flow Document
* PFI ⇨ Pharmaceutical Formulation Intermediates
* PFS ⇨ Pre-Filled Syringes
* PFSB ⇨ Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau
* PG ⇨ Prostaglandin
* PIC ⇨ Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention
* PIC/S ⇨ Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme
* PLM Product Life Cycle Management
* PMA Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
* PMD Product Management Department
* PMDA Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Agency
PMDI Pressuried Metered Dose Inhaler
PP Portugese Pharmacopoeia
PPB Plasma Protein Binding
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPI Proton Pump Inhibitor
PPIC Procurement Planning and Inventory Control
PPLM Product and Process Lifecycle Management
PQ Performance Qualification
PQA Preferred Quality Attributes
PQP Performance Qualification Plan/Protocol
PQS Pharmaceutical Quality System
PR Product Recall
PRD Product Requirements Documents
PSDS Product Safety Data Sheet
PV Processing Validation/ Prospective Validation
PVP Process Validation Package
QA Quality Assurance
QbD Quality by Design
QC Quality Control
QCD Quality Control Department
QMS Quality Management System
QRM Quality Risk Management/ Quick Response Manufacturing
QTPP Quality Target Product Profile
RCA Root Cause Analysis
RCM Requirements Chain Mangement
RH Relative Humidity
RNA Ribonuclic Acid
RO Reverse Osmosis
RPM Rotation Per Minute
RSAT Regulatory Systems Acceptance Tool.
RSD Relative Standard Deviation
Rx Take Though
SAL Sterility Assurance Level
SAP System Applications and Products in Data Processing
SAS Surface Air System
SAT Site Acceptance Test
SDG Spray Drying Granulation
SDLC System Development Life Cycle
SDS System Design Specification
SIM Subscriber Identification Module
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SP Strip Pack
SPC Statistical Process Control
SPM Strokes Per Minute
SPVP Sterile Process Validation Package
SSRI Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
SSS Sick Sinus Syndrome
STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases
STEL Short-Time-Exposure-Limit
SUPAC Scale Up and Post Approval Changes
SULPA Super Altra Low Penetration Air
SVP Small Volume Parenterals
SWOT Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats
TCA Tricyclic Antidepressant
TD Tapped Density
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australia

TI Therapeutic Index
TLC Thin-Layer Chromatography
Tmax Maximun Time
TOC Total Oxidizable Carbon / Total Organic Carbon
TPD Therapeutic Product Directorate
TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition
TPM Turret Per Minute
TPP Target Product Profile
TQM Total Quality Management
TRIPS Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
TS Tensile Strength
TSS Total Suspended Solids

UAD Unidirectional Airflow Devices
UAT User Acceptance Testing
UCL Uper Control Limit
UDAF Unidirectional Air Flow
UF Ultra Filtration
UFRS User Functional Requirements Specification
UHF Ultra High Frequency
ULPA Ultra Low Penetration Air
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
URS User Requirment Specification
USAID United Nations Agency for International Development
USAN United Nations Approved Names
USP United States Pharmacopoeia
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
UVS Ultra Violet Spectrophotometer

V/V Volume by Volume
VIRUS Vital Information Research Under Seize
VMP Validation Master Plan
VOC Volatile Organic Carbons

W/O Water in Oil
W/V Weight by Volume
WBC White Blood Cell
WHO World Health Organization
WIP Work in Progress/ Work in Process
WMS Welfare Management System
WSQ Water System Qualification
XRD X-ray Diffraction
