Pharmaceutical Calculations
Creatinine Clearance Calculation:
1. CrCl for males= (98-0.8×(Patientss age in years- 20))÷ Serum creatinine (mg/dL)
2. CrCl for females= 0.9 × CrCl for males
Volume of Distribution Calculation
Volume of Distribution (Vd)=
Total amount of drug in body (D)⁄Drug Blood Plasma Concentration (Cp)
So, Vd = D/Cp
Loading Dose (DL) Calculation
Loading dose = desired peak concentration (mg/L) × Volume of distribution (L)
Loading dose (DL)=
Volume of distribution × Plasma drug concentration
Salt form of the drug × Fraction of drug bioavilability
DL = (Vd× Cav)/(S×F)
Dose ratio = Loading dose/ Maintenance dose
Dose ratio= DL/Do
Dose rate (mg/hr) = Total dose (mg)/dosing interval (hr)
Maintenance Dose Calculation
Maintenance dose (mg/hr)= desired peak concentration (mg/L) × drug Clearance (L/hr)
Loading dose Calculation
Loading dose = desired peak concentration (mg/L) × Volume of distribution (L)
Capsule filling Calculation
1. Capsule fill weight = Tapped density of powder × Capsule volume( ml)
2. Additional diluent required= (Volume unocupied× 0.8)g
Friability Calculation
Percentage friability= [(W1-W2)/W1]×100
Loss on Drying (LOD) Calculation
LOD = Weight of water in a sample/ Total weight of wet sample
%LOD= [W1-W2)/W1]×100
[ W1⇨ weight of wet sample, W2⇨ Weight of dry sample]
Moisture Content Calculation
Moisture content = Weight of water in a sample/ Weight of dry sample
%MC = [(W1-W2)/W2]×100
[ W1⇨ weigth of wet sample, W2⇨ Weight of dry sample]
Potency Calculation
Required Potency= Standard Potency × 100%
. ... . ....... ....................... Potency
. ... . ....... ....................... Potency
Conversion faction of a molecule =
molecular weight of the compound/ molecular weight of the mole