Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Sterilization refers to any process that removes, kills or inactivates all forms of life and biological agents present in or on a specific surface, objects or fluid. Sterilization achieved through various means including heat, chemicals, irradiation, high pressure and filtration.
Sterilization Technique
1. Physical Method of Sterilization:
⇨ Moist heat sterilization
⇨ Dry heat sterilization
⇨ Radiation sterilization
⇨ UV-rays sterilization
⇨ Ionization sterilization
Moist heat sterilization
⇨ Moist heat sterilization is done using Autoclave (Steam under pressure)
⇨ Mode of Action: Denaturation or coagulation of protein
⇨ Satutated stream under pressure
Most condition: 121°C /15 Ibs-psi/ 15-20 min
⇨ 115-120°C/ 30 min
⇨ 121-124°C/ 15 min
⇨ 126-129°C/ 10 min
⇨ 134-138°C/ 5 min
⇨ For clostridium tetani: 115°C at 30 min
Dry heat sterilization/ Depyrogenation
Instruments: Hot air oven, Incenarator, Flaming, Glass bead sterilization
Mode of Action: Oxidative free radical damage of microorganism/ Destroy the ability of microorganism
Temperature & Time conditions fir dry heat sterilization:
⇨ 160° at 2 hours
⇨ 170°C at 1 hour
⇨ 190°C at 6-12 min
⇨160-180°C at 2-3 hours
* Depyrogenation seeks to destroy the chemical activity of the by-products, pyrogens or endotoxins.
Pyrogens are the metabolic products of microorganism that are produced by all microorganism like gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria and fungi.
⇨ Pyrogens are bacterial cell wall fragments. They are not bacteria. Typicall they are complex carbohydrates.
⇨ Pyrogen is a fever inducing substance.
⇨ Pyrogens can be classified into two groups: endotoxins and non-endotoxin pyrogens. Enfotoxins are substances found in gram negative bacteria while non-endotoxins are found in gram-poditive bacteria.
Pyrogen Test
The pyrogen test measures the pyrogenic load in parenteral products. It is a regulatory requirement for the release of sterile parenteral products.
Types of Pyrogen test:
⇨ Rabbit test
⇨ LAL test (Limulus amoebocyte Lysate test)
LAL test
It is an in vitro test for bacterial endotoxin or pyrogens use a lysate of amoebocyte from the horseshoe crab limulus polyphemus.
Endotoxins are the main component of outer membrane of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria. The main function of endotoxins in bacteria is structural and protective action.
Pyrexia or fever in human body is a body temperature above the normal range due to an increase in the body temperature set point in the hypothalamus.