Interchange of Parts of Speech
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb | |
Ability | Enable | Able | Ably | |
Anger | Anger | Angry | Angrily | |
Awe | Awe | Awful | Awfully | |
Acceptance | Accept | Acceptable | Acceptably | |
Action/activity/Act | Act/activate/Enact | Active | Actively | |
Accelertion | Accelerate | Accelerated | ||
Addition | Add | Additional | Additionally | |
Admiration | Admire | Admirable | Admirably | |
Admission/Admittanece | Admit | Admissible | Admissibly | |
Adventure | Adventure | Adventurous | Adventurously | |
Advice | Advise | Advisable | Advisably | |
Agreement | Agree | Agreeable | Agreeably | |
Allowance | Allow | Allowable | Allowably | |
Analysis | Analyze/analyse | Analytical | Analytically | |
Antagonism | Antagonise | Antagonistic | Antagonistically | |
Apolgy | Apolgze/Apolgise | Apolgetic | Apolgetically | |
Appreciation | Appreciate | Appreciable | Appreciably | |
Argument | Argue | Arguable | Arguablly | |
Assurance | Assure | Assured | Assuredly | |
Attention | Attend | Attentive | Attentively | |
Attendance | Attend | Attentive | Attentively | |
Attraction | Attract | Attractive | Attractively | |
Authority | Authorize | Authoritative | Authoritatively | |
Availability | Avail | Available | Availably | |
Base | Base | Basic/Baseless | Basically/Baselessly | |
Blessing | Bless | Blessed | ||
Brevity | Abbreviate | Brief | Briefly | |
Belief | Believe | Believable | Believably | |
Blood | Bleed | Bloody | Bloodily | |
Book | Book | Bookish | ||
Breach | Break | Breakable | ||
Business | Busy | Busy | Busily | |
Burial | Bury | Buried | ||
Care | Care | Careful/Careless | Carefully/Carelessly | |
Centre | Centralize | Central | Centrally | |
Certainty | Asceraint | Certain | Certainly | |
Ceremony | Ceremonial | Ceremonially | ||
Character | Characterize | Characteristic | Characteristically | |
Clarity | Clarify | Clear | Clearly | |
Circle | Encircle | Circular | ||
Charity | Charitable | Charitably | ||
Class | Classify | Classified | Classifically/Classifiably | |
Colony | Colonize | Colonial/Colonized | ||
Colour | Colour | Colourful | Colourfully | |
Comfort | Comfort | Comfortable | Comfortably | |
Credit | Credit | Creditable/Credible | Creditably/Crediblly | |
Commerce | Commercialize | Commercial | Commercially | |
Company | Accompany | Companionable | ||
Condition | Conditional | Conditionally | ||
Convenience | Convenient | Conveniently | ||
Courage | Encourage | Courageous | Courageously | |
Credulity | Credulous | Credulously | ||
Crime | Criminal | Criminally | ||
Critic | Criticize | Critical | Critically | |
Criticism | Criticize | Critical | Critically | |
Celebration | Celebrate | Celebrated | ||
Celebrity | Celebrate | Celebrated | ||
Choice | Choose | Chosen | ||
Closure | Close | Closed | Closely | |
Commitment | Commit | Committed | ||
Competition | Compete | Competitive | Competitively | |
Compulsion | Compel | Compulsive/Compulsory | Compulsively/Compulsorily | |
Comprehension | Comprehend | Comprehending | ||
Conception | Conceive | Conceivable | Conceivably | |
Conclusion | Conclude | Conclusive | Conclusively | |
Confidence | Confide | Confident/Confidential | Confidently/Confidentially | |
Congratulation | Congratulate | Congratulatory | ||
Conquest | Conquer | Conquerable | ||
Consideration | Consider | Considerable | Considerably | |
Consistence | Consist | Consistent | Consistently | |
Consistency | Consist | Consistent | Consistently | |
Conspiracy | Conspir | Conspiring | Conspiringly | |
Contempt | Contemptible | Contemptibly | ||
Construction | Construct | Constructive | Constructively | |
Continuity | Continue | Continuous | Continuously | |
Co-operation | Co-operate | Co-operative | Co-operatively | |
Conversation | Converse | Conversational | ||
Corruption | Corrupt | Corruptible | ||
Comparison | Compare | Comparative | Comparability/Comparatively | |
Comparability | Compare | Comparative | Comparability/Comparatively | |
Curiosity | Curious | Curiously | ||
Danger | Endanger | Dangerous | Dangerously | |
Darkness | Darken | Dark | Darkly | |
Debate | Debate | Debatable | Debatably | |
Democracy | Democratize | Democratic | Democratically | |
Discipline | Discipline | Disciplinary | ||
Drama | Dramatize | Dramatic | Dramatically | |
Duty | Dutiful | Dutifully | ||
Deception | Deceive | Deceptive | Deceptively | |
Deceit | Deceive | Deceptive | Deceptively | |
Decision | Decide | Decisive | Decisively | |
Definition | Define | Defined | Definitely | |
Defiance | Defy | Defiant | Defiantly | |
Derivation | Derive | Derivative | Derivatively | |
Description | Describe | Descriptive | Descriptively | |
Destruction | Destroy | Destructive | Destructively | |
Detection | Detect | Detective | ||
Determination | Determine | Determined | ||
Devotion | Devote | Devotional | Devotionally | |
Difference | Differentiate | Different | DFifferently | |
Digestion | Digest | Digestive | Digestively | |
Domination | Dominate | Dominant | Dominantly | |
Division | Divide | Divisional/Divisible | Divisionally/Divisibly | |
Departure | Depart | Departed | ||
Depth | Deepen | Deep | Deeply | |
Ease | Ease | Easy | Easily | |
Economy | Economize | Economical/Economic | Economically | |
Effect | Effect | Effective | Effectively | |
Energy | Energise | Energetic | Energetically | |
Envy | Envy | Envious | Enviously | |
Eye | Eye | Ocular | Ocularly | |
Event | Eventful/Eventual | Eventually | ||
Edition | Edit | Editorial | ||
Education | Educate | Educational | Educational | |
Election | Elect | Elective | ||
Employment | Employ | Employed | ||
Enemy | Inimical | Inimically | ||
Enmity | Inimical | Inimically | ||
Engagement | Engage | Engaged | ||
Establishment | Establish | Established | ||
Evidence | Evidence | Evident | Evidently | |
Excavation | Excavate | Excavated | ||
Excellence | Excel | Excellent | Excellently | |
Existence | Exist | Existent/Existing | Existently | |
Extension | Extend | Extensive | Extensively | |
Extremity | Extreme | Extremely | ||
Favour | Favour | Favourite/Favourable | Favourably | |
Fear | Fear | Fearful | Fearfully | |
Facility | Facilitate | Facilitating | ||
Figure | Figure | Figurative | Figuratively | |
Force | Force | Forceful/Forcible | Forcefully/Forcibly | |
Fool | Befool | Foolish | Foolishly | |
Form | Form | Formal | Formally | |
Friend | Befriend | Friendly | In Friendly way | |
Fright | Frighten | Frightful | Frightfully | |
Fruit | Fruitful/Fruitless | Fruitfully/Fruitlessly | ||
Failure | Fail | Failed | ||
Fixation | Fix | Fixed | ||
Forgetfulness | Forget | Forgetful | Forgetfully | |
Falsehood | Falsify | False | Falsely | |
Glory | Glory/Glorify | Glorious | Gloriously | |
Globalisation | Globalize | Global | Globally | |
Grief | Grieve | Grievous | ||
Grace | Grace | Graceful/Graceless | Gracefully/Gracelessly | |
Grammar | Grammatical | Grammatically | ||
Generation | Generate | Generative | Generatively | |
Government | Govern | Governmental | Governmentally | |
Gradation | Grade | Gradual | Gradually | |
Gladness | Gladden | Glad | Gladly | |
Hardness | Harden | Hard | Hard | |
Hatred | Hate | Hateful | ||
Hand | Handle | Handy | ||
Habit | Habituate | Habitual | Habitually | |
Happiness | Happy | Happily | ||
Heart | Hearten | Hearty/Heartening | Heartily | |
Health | Heal | Healthy | Healthily | |
History | Historical | Historically | ||
Honour | Honour | Honourable | Honourably | |
Horror | Horrify | Horrible | Horribly | |
Humour | Humour | Humorous | Humorously | |
Hesitation | Hesitate | Hesitant | Hesitantly | |
Hope | Hope | Hopeful/Hopeless | Hopefully/Hopelessly | |
Help | Help | Helpful/Helpless | Helpfully/Helplessly | |
Identification | Identify | Identified | ||
Ignorance | Ignore | Ignorant | ||
Innocence | Innocent | Innocently | ||
Illumination | Illuminate | Illuminative/Illuminating | ||
Imagination | Imgine | Imaginative | Imaginatively | |
Imitation | Imitate | Imitative | imitatively | |
Implication | Implicate | Implicit | Implicitly | |
Inauguration | Inaugurate | Inaugural | ||
Information | Inform | Informative | Informatively | |
Inheritance | Inherit | Inherited | ||
Insistence | Insist | Insistent | Insitently | |
Instruction | Instruct | Instructive | Instructively | |
Invention | Invent | Inventive | Inventively | |
Idiot | Idiotic | Idiotically | ||
Idiocy | Idiotic | Idiotically | ||
Industry | Industrial/Industrious | Industrially/Industriously | ||
Interest | Interest | Interesting | Interestingly | |
Intensity | Intensify | Intense | Intensely | |
Joy | Enjoy | Joyful/Joyous | Joyfully/Joyously | |
Justify | Just/Justifiable | Justly | ||
Justification | Justify | Just/Justifiable | Justly | |
Joint | Join | Joint | Jointly | |
Knowledge | Know | Knowledgeable | Knowledgeably | |
King | Kingly/Royal | Royally | ||
Laughter | Laugh | Laughable | Laughably | |
Length | Lengthen | Long | Lengthwise | |
Life | Live | Lively/Living | ||
Locality | Localize | Local | Locally | |
Loss | Lose | Lost/Losing | ||
Labour | Labour | Laborious | Laboriously | |
Law | Lawful/Legal | Lawfully/Legally | ||
Luck | Luck | Lucky | Luckily | |
Meatter | Materialize | Material | Materially | |
Measure | Measure | Measurable | Measurably | |
Memory | Memorize | Memorable | Memorably | |
Method | methodize | Methodical | Methodically | |
Mind | Mind | Mindful/Menttal | Mindfully/Menttally | |
Management | Manage | Manageable | ||
Marriage | Marry | Marrigeable | Marrigeable | |
Marvel | Marvel | Marvelous | Marvelously | |
Mixer | Mix | Mixed | ||
mixture | Mix | Mixed | ||
Movement | Move | Movable | Movably | |
Moisture | Moisten | Moist | ||
Mourning | Mourn | Mournful | Mournfully | |
Mountain | Mountainous | |||
Nation | Nationalize | National | Nationally | |
Nationalization | Nationalize | National | Nationally | |
Nature | Naturalize | Natural | Naturally | |
Necessity | Necessitate | Necessary | Necessarily | |
Need | Need | Needful | Needfully | |
Number | Enumerate | Numeral/Numerous | ||
Navigation | Navigate | Navigable | ||
Negligence | Neglect | Negligent/Negligible | Negligently/Negligibly | |
Notification | Notify | Notified | ||
Obedience | Obey | Obedient | Obediently | |
Objection | Object | Objective | Objectively | |
Obligation | Oblige/Obligate | Obliging/Obligatory | Obligingly/Obligatorily | |
Observation | Observe | Observant/Observational | Observantly/Observationally | |
Observance | Observe | Observant/Obsevational | Observantly/Obsevationally | |
Observancy | Observe | Observant/Obsevational | Observantly/Obsevationally | |
Occupation | Occupy | Occupant/Occupational | Occupantly/Occupationally | |
Offence | Offend | Offensive | Offensively | |
Omen | Ominous | Ominously | ||
Operation | Operate | Operational | Operationally | |
Opposition | Oppose | Opposite | Oppositely | |
Organization | Organize | Organised | Organisedly | |
Office | Officiate | Official | Officially | |
Origin | Originate | Original | Originally | |
Package | Pack | Packed | ||
Packet | Pack | Packed | ||
Patience | Patient | Patiently | ||
Particularity | Particularize | Particular | Particularly | |
Passage | Pass | Passed/Passable | POassably | |
Peace | Pacify | Peaceful/Peaceable | Peacefully | |
People | Populate | Populous | ||
Population | Populate | Populous | ||
Popularity | Popularize | Popular | Popularly | |
Performance | Peform | Performed/Performable | ||
Permission | Permit | Permissible | Permissibly | |
Perseverance | Persevere | Persevering | Perseveringly | |
Persuaion | Persuade | Persuable | Persuably | |
Pleasure | Please | Pleasant/Pleasurable | Pleasantly/Pleasurably | |
Pollution | Pollute | Pollutant/Polluted | Pollutantly | |
Poverty | Impoverish | Poor | Poorly | |
Practice | Practise | Practical | Practically | |
Preference | Prefer | Preferable/Preferential | Prefereably | |
Presentation | Present | Presentable | Presentably | |
Prescription | Prescribe | Prescriptional | Prescribingly | |
Prevention | Prevent | Preventive | Preventively | |
Proclamation | Proclaim | Proclaimed | ||
Product | Produce | Productive/Produced | Productively | |
Producer | Produce | Productive/Produced | Productively | |
Productivity | Produce | Productive/Produced | Productively | |
Provision | Provide | Provisional | Provisionally | |
Purification | Purify | Purified/Pure | Purely | |
Purity | Purify | Purified/Pure | Purely | |
Pain | Pain | Painful | Painfully | |
Patron | Patronize | Patronizing | Patronizingly | |
Person | Personify | Personal | Personally | |
Picture | Picture | Pictorial | Pictorially | |
Prediction | Predict | Predictable | Predictably | |
Progress | Progress | Progressive | Progressively | |
Quarrel | Quarrel | Quarrelsome | Quarrelsomely | |
Qualification | Qualify | Qualified | ||
Question | Question | Questionable | Questionably | |
Quietness | Quiten | Quiet | Quitely | |
Quotation | Quote | Quotable/Quoted | ||
Reality | Realize | Real | Really | |
Reason | Reason | Reasonable | Reasonably | |
Response | Respond | Responsive | ||
Rest | Rest | Restful/Restless | Restfully/Restlessly | |
Recipt | Receive | Receivable | Receivablly | |
Reduction | Reduce | Reducible/Reduced | Reducibly | |
Reference | Refer | Referential/Referable | Referably | |
Reflection | Reflect | Reflective | Reflectively | |
Refusal | Refuse | Refusable | ||
Relation | Relate | Relative/Related | ||
Reliance | Rely | Reliant/Reliable | Reliantly/Reliably | |
Removal | Remove | Removeable | ||
Remembrance | Remember | Remembrant | ||
Repetition | Repeat | Repetitive | repetively | |
Resentment | Resent | Resentful | Resentfully | |
Resolution | Resolve | Resolute | Resolutely | |
Resumption | Resume | Resumed | ||
Retardation | Retard | Retarded | Retardantly | |
Restriction | Restrict | restrictive/Restricted | ||
Rigidity | Rigid | Rigidly | ||
Rotation | Rotate | Rotational | Rotationally | |
Safety | Save | Safe | Safely | |
Sale | Sell | Saleable | ||
Service | Serve | Seviceable | Seviceable | |
Selection | Select | Selective | Selectively | |
Shortness | Shorten | Short | Shortly | |
Significance | Signify | Significant | Significantly | |
Silence | Silience | Silent | Silently | |
Simplicity | Simplify | Simple | Simply | |
Simplification | Simplify | Simple | Simply | |
Sleep | Sleep | Asleep/Sleepless | Sleeplessly | |
Society | Socialize | Social | Socially | |
Strength | Strengthen | Strong | Strongly | |
Substance | Substantiate | Substantive/Substantial | Substantively/Substantially | |
Succss | Succeed | Successful | Successfully | |
System | Systematize | Systematic | Systematically | |
Sympathy | Symphatize | Symphatic | Symphatically | |
Satisfaction | Satisfy | Satisfactory | Satisfactorily | |
Sight | See | Visual | Visually | |
Separation | Separate | Separable | Separably | |
Settement | Settle | Settled | ||
Speech | Speak | Spoken | ||
Solution | Solve | Solved/Solvable | ||
Statute | Statutory | Statutorily | ||
Study | Study | Studious | Studiously | |
Stupidity | Stupefy | Stupid | Stupidly | |
Suffering | Suffer | Sufferable | ||
Sustenance | Sustain | Sustainable | ||
Sufficiency | Suffice | Sufficient | Sufficiently | |
Supposition | Suppose | Supposed | ||
Suggestion | Suggest | Suggestive | Suggestively | |
Suspicion | Suspect | Suspicious | Suspiciously | |
Surprise | Surprise | Surprised/Surprising | Surprisingly | |
Steadfastness | Steadfast | Steadfastly | ||
Surety | Ensure/Assure | Sure | Surely | |
Tale | Tell | Telling | ||
Treatment | Treat | Treatable | ||
Treatise | Treat | Treatable | ||
Triumph | Triumph | Triumphant | Triumphantly | |
Transcendence | Transcend | Transcendent/Transcendental | Transcendentally | |
Thanks | Thank | Thankful/Thankless | Thankfully/Thanklessly | |
Toleration | Tolerate | Tolerant/Tolerable | Tolerantly/Tolerably | |
Tolerance | Tolerate | Tolerant/Tolerable | Tolerantly/Tolerably | |
Translation | Translate | Translatable/Translated | Translationally/Translatablly | |
Trust | Trust | Trustful/Trustworthy | Trustfully/Trustworthily | |
Trustee | Trust | Trustful/Trustworthy | trustfully/Trustworthily | |
Theory | Theorize | Theoretical | Theoretically | |
Unity | Unite | United | Unitedly | |
Understanding | Understand | Umderstood | Underdstandingly | |
Usefulness | Use | Useful | Usefully | |
Uselessnes | Use | Useless | Uselessly | |
Usability | Use | Usable | Usably | |
Variance | Vary | Various | Variously | |
Variation | vary | Various | variously | |
Vacancy | Vacate | vacant | vacantly | |
Vanity | Vain | Vainly | ||
Validatity | Validate | Valid | Validly | |
Vigour | Envigorate | Vigorous | Vigorously | |
Victim | Victimize | Vitimised | ||
Violence | Violent | Violently | ||
Vitality | Vitalize | Vital | Vitally | |
Vivacity | Vivacious | Vivaciously | ||
Voice | Voice, Vociferate | Vocal | Vocally | |
Valuation | Value | Valuable/Valueless | Valuably/Valuelessly | |
Value | Value | Valuable/Valueless | Valuably/Valuelessly | |
Verification | Verify | Verified/Verifiable | Verifiably | |
Verifier | Verify | Verified/Verifiable | Verifiably | |
Voracity | Voracious | Voraciously | ||
Volunteer | Volunteer | Voluntary | Voluntarily | |
Wastage | Waste | Wasteful | WastefulLY | |
Weakness | Weaken | Weak | Weakly | |
Weight | Weigh | Weighty | Weightily | |
Wisdom | Wise | Wisely | ||
Width | Widen | Wide | Widely | |
Wash | Wash | Washable/Washing/Washy | Washably/Washily | |
Washing | Wash | Washable/Washing/Washy | Washably/Washily | |
Washer | Wash | Washable/Washing/Washy | Washably/Washily |
[Contributor: Abu Hanifa Noman]